Lemon Juice Diet Recipes: Balance between Smart Detox and Overall Cleansing

The perfect method to trim down weight and keep it up is to remove toxins off your body and keep your liver and digestive system staying in good condition. Most of all, poor absorption will hold back weight loss by averting the body to get nutrients to trim body fat and leading to an increase of toxins in body system that backs off digestion system. In this way, lemon juice diet recipe serve to bring in good healthy benefits. Taking after this plan will boost up our digestive system and urge our liver to work getting it done perfectly.

Despite the fact that Lemon Juice Diet Recipe is not too limiting as some other diets that include lemon juice, it helps you get in shape by restricting food options into healthy choices. However, you should not wish to jump down many pounds in a brief time on this meal plan. The diet really strives for helping you with weight loss gradually, which is better for keeping it off. Before you start Lemon Juice Diet Recipe, meet your doctor to talk about its benefits and threats.

Basics of Lemon Juice Diet Recipe

A health and fitness writer Theresa Cheung has invented lemon juice diet recipe. It is mainly non-fasting detox diet, which alleges to trim down weight by detoxing your body of any toxins without restricting your food intake to only juice, specified tea, or water like other detox diets.

You can set up lemon juice diet recipe with a 24-hour detox plan. This plan urges you to drink lemon juice mixed with purified water, maple syrup, or cinnamon, and a pinch of cayenne pepper to spice up your drink and boosts up the purging of toxins throughout the day. Besides, you can also have veggies, fruit, unsalted nuts and seeds, beans, organic yogurt, and fish.

Taking after 24-hour detox plan, the lemon juice diet recipe will take a seven-day program in giving a new idea for the plan every day. For instance, on the first day you must begin by drinking a glass of lemon water in the early morning. On day two, you will have five servings of fruits and veggies. On day three, you must sprinkle 2 tsp lemon juice over your meals, and the diet plan keep going all through the week. Every new idea of the diet plan should increase absorption, glucose, and total detox for weight loss.

What is more, you should get rid of sugar, processed foods, soda, coffee and alcohol, and take mostly organic items on the Lemon Juice Diet Recipe. Despite the foods you can eat during detox plan, you can consume whole grains, chicken, soy foods, and healthy fats in veggie oils, seeds, nuts, and fatty fish.

Basic Plan of Lemon Juice Diet Recipe

After the 24-hour detox plan, then there is seven-day lemon juice diet recipe to tag along. Based on meal plan of Dailymail.uk, every day leads into a new basic concept along these lines:

Day 1 – Drink a glass of fresh lemon juice dissolved with warm water first thing in the early morning. Keep in mind to have six to eight glasses of filtered water all through the day to speed up your digestive system.

Day 2 – Consume a few portions of fruit and veggies per day to improve vitamin C ingestion, as one of the most vital nutrients for digestion system and weight loss. Surely, the juice of one lemon and using the peel as a part of cooking considers one serving!

Day 3 – Keep balance of glucose levels by a dash of 2 tsp lemon juice over meals or adding the peel and juice as a part of cooking. Besides, chomp often (plus breakfast), add protein-rich foods with each meal and pick the proper carbs, mainly those rich-fiber ones.

Day 4 – Trim down sugar by sparing processed and sugary foods.

Day 5 – Stop thinking about tagging along a low-fat diet, despite the fact that lemon juice diet recipe suggest that good fats should only derive from heart healthy unsaturated fats such as nuts, seeds and oil-rich fish.

Day 6 – Take bunches of fresh whole foods such as veggies, fruits, whole-grains, and nuts, despite it is ideal to leave out whole-grain carbs at evening time to reduce calories and avoid bloating.

Day 7 – Get to know the allowed and proscribed digestion. Take after good lifestyle habits such as chewing up right, taking a seat to eat, relieving anxiety, stop eating while exhausted, turning off the TV at meal times, and holding up for around 30 mins before next eating.

Following the 24-hour detox and 7-day plan, you can keep your eating routine in this way. Finally, liquor, coffee, chocolate, bubbly drinks, sugar, and processed foods are highly restricted, red meat is limited and buy only organic product if possible and consume more raw foods.


Daily Menu Sample of Lemon Juice Diet Recipe

First thing in the morning before breakfast:

Glass of lemon juice dissolved with warm water


Fruit salad with plain yogurt and 2 tbsp oats and a glass of organic or soy milk

Morning Snack:

A handful of non-salt almonds and a glass of fruit juice dissolved with warm water


Homemade veggie soup with two slices whole-grain bread packed with a serving of mixed green salad and grated cheese

Afternoon Snack:

Two oatcakes with cottage cheese and tomatoes


Grilled fish, tofu, turkey, or chicken with lemon and olive oil dressing and stir-fried veggies with sprinkle of 1 tsp sesame seeds. Add baked peaches with sprinkle of cinnamon and maple syrup

Great Benefits of Lemon Juice Diet Recipes

  1. Prop up immune system: Lemon juice in a glass of warm water is bursting with vitamin C. It gives a boost to immune system and helps the body to battle against colds and flu. Lemon also enhances the ability to take up iron, a vital nutrient for healthy immune system.
  2. Boost up healing process: Vitamin C, props up healing in the body and vital nutrient in keeping up healthy bones, tissue, and cartilage. It also calms down inflammation in the body.
  3. Keeping general health:High levels of potassium in lemons can incite function of brain and nerve and control blood pressure. Lemon water can also protect against stress and depression, which related to low levels of potassium.
  4. Cleansing urinary tract:Lemon juice has a diuretic property to incite urine production. Therefore, it speeds up toxins discharge, sterilize the body system, and keep it in good condition. Lemon juice can also adjust the pH level of urinary tract that restrains the increase of bad bacteria.
  5. Support digestive process:Lemon juice cleanses the bowel by washing out more efficiently and speeds up the discharge of gastric juices, which supports digestive process. The digestive properties of lemon juice can also lessen symptoms of indigestion, heartburn, and bloating.
  6. Detoxing liver: Lemon water serves as a liver cleanser by backing up the detoxing. It cleanses and incites the liver by supporting the bile production, an acid needed for digestive process.
  7. Restoring skin: Lemons are prefect forbattling against skin aging. The antioxidant properties fight against free radical damage, which is in charge for the side effects of aging.
  8. Curbing appetite:Lemons are full of pectin, a soluble fiber commonly located in citrus fruits. Pectin fights off appetite as the fiber gives a feeling of stuffed, which leads to repression of hunger. By feeling more stuffed for longer, you are more averse to have more snacks or make bad food choices.
  9. Refreshing breath:The antiseptic qualities in lemon juice destroy bad bacteria in the mouth by serving as a disinfectant. A glass of lemon water is also much healthier morning drink than any other drink.
  10. Keep Balance of pH levels:Lemons are a standout among the most alkalizing foods for the body and an ideal pH level is vital, as an excess of acidity in the body can lead to inflammation.

If you want more of lemon juice diet recipes, try this and Weight Loss Resources.

Happy healthy lemon juicing!